Manufacture of functional layers on fabrics integrated in composite structures which can then be thermoformed to form 3D structures or embedded by infusion technology.
This allows the functionalization of composites while keeping their interesting material properties.
The Internet of Things represents the interconnection between all connected objects.
These objects must, by their functions, constantly capture, recover, process and transmit data.
These applications are becoming increasingly popular in both the domestic and industrial sectors.
And MCVE Technologie, with its printed electronics solution, offers the advantage of integrating all the electronic components on flexible materials or directly on the surfaces of the objects.

In addition to the traditional technology of flexible printed circuits, our EOPROM® paste deposit followed by a specific metallization realizes a heating function by using the Joule effect.

Demand is high for the manufacture of flexible sub GHz, NFC and RFID antennas.
Also the deployment of 5G technology requires conformable antennas to increase the signal for home networks.
MCVE Technologie produces flexible antennas with the EOPROM® additive technology.
The medical field is innovating in the creation of communicating patches for home medicalization.
Real-time monitoring of patients’ condition is achieved with increasingly sophisticated instruments.
Our high-volume, flexible copper printed electronics solutions are an ideal answer for the production of these single-use patches.